To reach these goals, parents try to create well-rounded children. We bring physical activity into their lives so they develop their bodies. We teach them in numerous areas of study so that they can best develop their intellect and creativity. Parents often are compelled to be on a journey with their kids, examining what entails a moral, caring life, often grounded in processes of exploring what is spirit.
In essence, the keystones to successfully developing humans is bringing a holistic journey of discovery and epiphany, helping them perceive the connections we have to many layers of life and creating a moral relationship with this web, and doing so from a profound understanding of our unique selves. This is a path that can only be born from love, and can only be actualized from caring, and can only be understood from gnosis.
If we find this to be a vision compelling for the over 7.5 billion people on the planet, the question is why do we not develop our cities, towns, institutions, and regions this way? Why do we generate so much waste when resources are so precious? Why do we feel so disconnected if not nihilistic towards the nature and people? Why are we not compelled to mandate that generating health for all life on this planet is our first and most important mandate?
Interestingly, we see many politicians and leaders who would absolutely agree with these sentiments, but they cannot deliver on the promise. Our work is to help them arrive at the promised land by taking a very different tack towards creating better societies. Instead of approaching issues in a fragmentary way, we approach everything holistically such that we can build synergy and opportunity. We seek to create a new story for regions, starting from fundamentals such as relationship building, collaboration, and seeing their unique potential. Our work is very academic and interdisciplinary, broadly dovetailing social science, technology, and ecology so that we develop creative, resource effective solutions. We develop a path, where people and nature thrive in news ways, that is robust to global problems around energy, carbon, and resource depletion. We work on creating happiness.